Like many of you I am sure, we have had a sporadic postal service at best.
I thought I would visit the powers to be to see why this is and this is what I discovered.
Although there are rumours about the differences in addresses between the Ayuntamiento and Correos I am informed by both that this is not the case. In fact if you go to the Ayuntamiento and take a look at the area just above the Information desks there are posters about what should be written for your postal address describing exactly what you need to write.
This is what they say is what should be used.
Full Name
CALLE RUBI, xx, Puerta yy
03189, Orihuela Costa
Alicante, España
The information about the street etc is available from your empadronamiento. Take a look at the image below to see where this comes from on the form.
“xx” corresponds to the “Numero” (the small blue plaques) and “yy” corresponds to the “Puerta” (your door number. You can also use “casa” instead of “puerta”) shown in your “Datos del Padron Municipal de Habitantes” which you can easily get from the town hall using your passport and residencia.
If you’re in Spain then you don’t really need the “España” part
I did ask Correos about this as I was unsure about not using the R03 or R04 and Villas San Jose IV part of the address. I was informed that by putting too much information it makes it difficult for them to enter the information of their computer system as there is too much information to fit in the space they have and its simply not needed.
I questioned this again bearing in mind we have 2 post boxes which are on Calle Rubi and he repeated that using the exact information given on the empadronamiento and nothing else is all they need to deliver the post correctly.
Please see the example “pardon” and corresponding address below:
I am still unsure as to whether or not this will work but unless we stick to what we are requested then we cannot complain when mail is not delivered as the excuse will always be “you didn’t use the correct address”
Obviously the choice is yours!
I hope this helps!